Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Load Screen!

Oh man I hope servers are up when I get home from work :/

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Instant Pets

So I'm sitting on my back alt, checking my mailbox, running some junk around... and all of the sudden my entire chat window fills with yellow text. A new character has just gotten all of their collector's edition pets. And then some. Achievements left and right.

I always love that feeling. You go to your first mailbox and there is a whole mess of little NCPs waiting for you. Instant achievement!

Which makes me kind of sad that Blizz has declared there will be no 6th anniversary pet. I love Feats of Strength like nobody's business, but not getting a pet makes me sad. Their past pets were really awesome! Baby Blizzard Bear, Onyxian Whelpling (especially if you're like me and don't have a zillion CE dragon pets). Oh well. I hear there is an Armadillo in Cata, and I love me my Xenathrans.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

3 Weeks To Go

Well... less than three at this point. Twenty days? Nineteen? Phase four of the invasion has already begun and I have not updated this in so long wow.

I apologize in advance for how scattered this post will most likely be. I have a whole mess of game-related thoughts swimming around in my brain.

Final stuff to finish

I've been scrambling to finish a mess of things before cata hits. Most notably... those damned Dalaran fountain coins. I know they aren't going anywhere, and that I can finish that anytime... but with Dalaran losing its portals, how often will I really think about going there? Two bronze and two gold to go...

Class Decisions

Choices! I've had three mains in the course of my time with the game, the most recent (since July 2010) being a holy Paladin. But before that I was a Warlock... for like four years. That lock has all the cool pets, the weird reps and achievements, and honestly, making thing go boom with a messed up rotation is way better than tank healing. Granted, pallys are getting AoE heals, but I'm so torn. I remember how lame it was during the last two x-packs waiting on tanks and healers to level forever. Dungeons and raids will be much more accessible as a paladin... Hmm. I'll probably end up levelling both quickly. Go winter break!

New Alts

With new races coming, I'm sure everyone and their cat will be rolling a new char. Me? Worgen druid and gnome priest. 4.0.3a needs to drop soon though, all the crappy I've saved for the priest is piling up way too fast.

And Worgen druid forms are awesome.