Thursday, September 16, 2010


I finally caved and put the Authenticator service on my phone today. Not exactly sure why I waited so long to do it, since it's free. But now at least I can be a little less freaked about potential hackage, and have a cute little pet to boot.

It makes some really cute emotes
As a side note: My Warlock is now at 70/75 for Lil' Game Hunter. Just need the Walrus people penguin, the pug, and a few more tournament pets and the deer will be mine!

Anyway, this was supposed to be about Authenticators, not pets. There have been many a scary tale lately of accounts being hacked, and the hackers immediately putting Authenticators on the account, which adds a whole new level of pain-in-the-ass for retrieving all of your stuff. I think that's what really finally motivated me. I hate customer service over the phone. I hate sitting on hold. If I can spend 10 extra seconds each time I log on to ensure I won't be trying to get my things back, damnit I will.

I'm probably going to order an actual physical Authenticator in the next few days, only because I'm wary of losing my phone, or having it break, and then once again having to deal with customer service. The physical devices cost $6.50, but the mobile apps are completely free and available for iPhone, Android, and a few other phone platforms as well.

In an additional effort to promote Authenticators, it was recently announced that a new guild rank option will be available in Cata that require Authenticator ownership. The reasoning behind this, of course, is to make sure that compromised accounts can't clear out the guild bank. So between the guild rank, the pet, and the piece of mind that you're things are safe, there really isn't a reason not to have one anymore.. so do it!

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