Monday, September 6, 2010


There are going to be countless changes to the older areas of Azeroth come Cataclysm, and one of the most buzzed about is the complete removal of the 20-man level 60 raid zone Zul'Gurub. In it's place will be a new 30-35 leveling zone.
Another reason to go: Hakkar looks awesome.

What does the removal of ZG mean for the game? On the achievement side of things, you'll be missing out on:

  1. fishing achievement
  2. rep achievement
  3. A handful of classic dungeon achievements
  4. Two amazingly awesome looking mounts to be found as rare drops off of the Tiger and Raptor bosses, which also provide Feats of Strength.
And have I mentioned that the shoulder enchants given by the Zandalar Tribe are the only enchants available for Bind on Account heirloom shoulders?

Good thing we still have (probably) a few months to go before this dungeon leaves forever, so if you have any desire to complete the aforementioned achievements, get on out to STV!

'Twas a thrilling fight for me.
Though a word of warning... I went in tonight on my Warlock, accompanied by a Feral Druid. All the bosses were easy-cake, even though they didn't want to drop the mounts. However, due to Hakkar's mind control ability, both of us could not be alive for the fight. This was of course a mechanic we had completely forgotten about, which on our first pull bugged the hell out of the boss. But after dotting up on try #2, I did the old Lifetap-Hellfire suicide trick and ate some ice cream while the druid did his thing. Funny how it's easier to solo that guy than to two-man.

I can't say for sure that I'll be in there on every instance reset, but I hope to go back at least a few more times to try for the mounts and raise some more rep. Best of luck to everyone!

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